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Dragonfly™ CMSThis website engine Copyright © 2003 - 2024 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team
Free Software released under the GNU GPL; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. No warranty is given or implied.
CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Dragonfly™ Multimedia The majority of the multimedia found in Dragonfly™ was designed by Paris Paris

Dragonfly™ Logo The Dragonfly™ logo was designed by Brian Monnone Brian Monnone

Menu Graphics A small portion of the graphics found in Dragonfly™ was designed by Everaldo Everaldo


Surveys Manage Surveys to gain information from your visitors CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Shout Block Allow site users to shout to one another. Based on original Shoutblock by Quiecom CPG-Nuke

News Manage news articles that can be sorted between categories and topics CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Statistics Keep track of who visits your site and at what time CPG-Nuke Dev Team

My Account Powerful member management system DJ Maze

Private Messaging Send and recieve private messages with members

CPG-BB CPG Bulletin Board by CPG-Nuke Dev Team and based on phpBB 2.0.x which is released under the GNU GPL CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Groups Manage user-based groups CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Coppermine Coppermine Photo Gallery ported for Dragonfly™ by the CPG-Nuke Dev Team Grégory Demar

Sections Create and manage multiple pages of categorized content CPG-Nuke

Content Create an organized collection of material CPG-Nuke Dev Team


CPG-lang Language File Input for i18n. To easy translate php-nuke into a foreign language. Akamu Akamai

Downloads v2 A modified version of "Paladin's CMS Downloads Module" by the CPG-Nuke Dev Team. Paladin

Forums phpBB 2.0.8 ported by CPG-Nuke Dev Team.
Based on Tom Nitzschner's port phpbb2nuke
phpBB Group

Members List Part of the phpBB 2.0.8 port by CPG-Dev Team

My Account CPG My Account 1.0 a advanced rebuilt of the Your_Account module DJ Maze

Private Messages Part of the phpBB 2.0.8 port by CPG-Dev Team

User Info Block Based on All Info Block by Alex Hession. Major modifications made by DJMaze Alex Hession